Appalachian Institute for Mountain Studies
AIMS's executive director, Dr. Jim Veteto, has written and edited numerous publications on subjects ranging from ethnobotany, climate catastrophe resilience, heirloom seeds, and applied anthropology.
Underlined publication years link to a PDF version of the publication.

Edited Volumes and Special Journal Issues
Tanis, Jonathan, Nick Kawa, Jim Veteto and Marc Williams (eds). Margaret’s Mead: Anthropological Inquiries into the Making and Sharing of Honey Wine. Arlington, VA: Culture and Agriculture Section of the American Anthropological Association.
Veteto, James R. and Joshua Lockyer (eds.). Towards a Political Ecology of Applied Anthropology. Special Section of Journal of Political Ecology 22:357-465.
Veteto, James R. and Todd A. Crane (eds). Tending the Field: Agricultural Anthropology and Robert E. Rhoades. Special Issue of Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment 36(1):1-66.
Wolverton, Steve, Kimberlee J. Chambers, and James R. Veteto (eds). Climate
Change and Ethnobiology. Special issue of Journal of Ethnobiology 34(3):273-426.
Veteto, James R. and Edward M. Maclin (eds). The Slaw and the Slow Cooked: Culture and Barbecue in the Mid-South. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press.
Veteto James R., Gary Paul Nabhan, Regina Fitzsimmons, Kanin Routson and Deja
Walker (eds). Place-Based Foods of Appalachia: From Rarity to Community Restoration and Market Recovery. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Southwest Center/Renewing America’s Food Traditions.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

Book Chapters
Nabhan, Gary Paul and James R. Veteto. “The Ethnobiology of Survival in Post-Apocalyptic Dystopias” in Gary Paul Nabhan (ed) Ethnobiology for the Future: Linking Cultural and Ecological Diversity. Pp. 277-287. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
(orig. 2008) Veteto, James R. and Joshua Lockyer. “Environmental Anthropology Engaging Permaculture: Moving Theory and Practice Toward Sustainability” in Helen Kopnina (ed) Environmental Anthropology: Critical Concepts. Volume II: Central Theories Within Environmental Anthropology. Pp. 207-224. London and New York: Routledge.
Veteto, James R. and Kevin Welch. “Food from the Ancestors: Documentation, Conservation, and Revival of Eastern Cherokee Heirloom Plants” in Virginia D. Nazarea, Robert E. Rhoades, and Jenna E. Andrews-Swann (eds) Seeds of Resistance/Seeds of Hope: Place and Agency in the Conservation of Biodiversity. Pp. 65-84. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
Lockyer, Joshua and James R. Veteto. “Environmental Anthropology Engaging Ecotopia: An Introduction” in Joshua Lockyer and James R. Veteto (eds) Environmental Anthropology Engaging Ecotopia: Bioregionalism, Permaculture, and Ecovillages. Pp. 1-31. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books.
(orig. 2008) Veteto, James R. and Joshua Lockyer. “Environmental Anthropology
Engaging Permaculture: Moving Theory and Practice Toward Sustainability” in Joshua Lockyer and James R. Veteto (eds) Environmental Anthropology Engaging Ecotopia: Bioregionalism, Permaculture, and Ecovillages. Pp. 95-112. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books.
Veteto, James R. “Appalachian Agricultural Biodiversity: Threats and Resilience” in Vandana Shiva, Ruchi Shroff, and Caroline Lockhart (eds) Seed Freedom: A Global Citizen’s Report. Pp. 228-9. New Dehli, India: Navdanya.
Veteto, James R. “Southern Barbecue Sauce and Heirloom Tomatoes” in James R. Veteto and Edward M. Maclin, eds, The Slaw and the Slow Cooked: Culture
and Barbecue in the Mid-South. Pp. 167-179. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press.
Veteto, James R. “Apple-achia: The Most Diverse Foodshed in the US, Canada, and Northern Mexico” in James R. Veteto, Gary Paul Nabhan, Regina Fitzsimmons, Kanin Routson and Deja Walker (eds) Place-Based Foods of Appalachia: From Rarity to Community Restoration and Market Recovery. Pp. 3-5. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Southwest Center/Renewing America’s Food Traditions.
Veteto, James R. and Edward M. Maclin. “Smoked Meat and the Anthropology of Food: An Introduction” in James R. Veteto and Edward M. Maclin, eds, The Slaw and the Slow Cooked: Culture and Barbecue in the Mid-South. Pp. 1-21. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press.
Maclin, Edward M. and James R. Veteto. “Mid-South Barbecue in the Digital Age and Sustainable Future Directions” in James R. Veteto and Edward M. Maclin, eds, The Slaw and the Slow Cooked: Culture and Barbecue in the Mid-South. Pp. 181-197. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press.
Veteto, James R. “From Mountain Anthropology to Montology? An Overview of the Anthropological Approach to Mountain Studies” in B. Veress and J. Szigethey, eds, Horizons in Earth Science Research, Volume One. Pp. 281-298. Nova Science Publishers.
Veteto, James R. and Joshua Lockyer. Applying Anthropology to What? Tactical/Ethical Decisions in an Age of Global Neoliberal Imperialism. Journal of Political Ecology 22:357-367.
Campbell, Brian C. and James R. Veteto. Free Seeds and Food Sovereignty: Anthropology and Grassroots Agrobiodiversity Conservation Strategies in the US South. Journal of Political Ecology 22:445-465.
Armstrong, Chelsey Geralda and James R. Veteto. Historical Ecology and Ethnobiology: Applied Research for Environmental Conservation and Social Justice. Ethnobiology Letters 6:5-7.
Veteto, James R. Seeds of Persistence: Agrobiodiversity in the American Mountain South. Culture, Agriculture, Food, and Environment 36(1):17-27.
Veteto, James R. and Stephen B. Carlson. Climate Change and Apple Diversity: Local Perceptions from Appalachian North Carolina. Journal of Ethnobiology 34(3):359-382.
Zagarola, Jean-Paul A., Christopher B. Anderson, and James R. Veteto.
Perceiving Patagonia: An Assessment of Social Values and Perspectives Regarding Watersheds, Associated Ecosystem Services, and Management in Southern South America. Environmental Management 53(4):769-782.
Veteto, James R. and Todd A. Crane. Tending the Field: Special Issue on Agricultural Anthropology and Robert E. Rhoades. Culture, Agriculture, Food, and Environment 36(1):1-3.
Wolverton, Steve, Kimberlee J. Chambers and James R. Veteto. Climate Change and Ethnobiology. Journal of Ethnobiology 34(3):273-275.
Veteto, James R. Down Deep in the Holler: Chasing Seeds and Stories in Southern Appalachia. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 9:69.
Veteto, James R. Green Path. Ethnobotany Research & Applications 11:103-107.
Veteto, James R. and Kristine Skarbø. Sowing the Seeds: Anthropological Contributions to Agrobiodiversity Studies. Culture and Agriculture 31(2):73-87.
Veteto, James R. The History and Survival of Traditional Heirloom Vegetable Varieties in the Southern Appalachian Mountains of Western North Carolina. Agriculture and Human Values 25(1):121-134.
Veteto, James R. and Joshua Lockyer. Environmental Anthropology Engaging Permaculture: Moving Theory and Practice Toward Sustainability. Culture and Agriculture 30(1-2):47-58.

Encyclopedia Entries
Lockyer, Joshua and James R. Veteto. “Ecovillages” in Sara G. Beavis, Michael
Dougherty, & Tirso Gonzales, eds, The Encyclopedia of Sustainability: Vol. 8. The Americas and Oceania: Assessing Sustainability. Pp. 92–95. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing.

Book Reviews
Veteto, James R. Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States. Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment 40(2):136-137.
Veteto, James R. Sushi in Cortez: Interdisciplinary Essays on Mesa Verde. Edited by David Taylor and Steve Wolverton. The University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. 155 pp. Ethnobiology Letters 8(1):72-77.
Veteto, James R. A Review of Republic of Barbecue: Stories Beyond the Brisket. Food and Foodways 19(3):250-253.