Appalachian Institute for Mountain Studies

Intern at AIMS
You will be interning with Dr. Jim Veteto, an internationally and regionally recognized leading expert in environmental anthropology, ethnobotany, agroecology, permaculture, Appalachian and Cherokee Studies. You will increase your knowledge in foraging, plant id, gardening, seed-saving, permaculture, holistic orcharding, and all-around earthskills. Poetry, song-sharing, Taoist meditation circles, wilderness walks occur regularly at AIMS and we offer period classes to the community that are free to interns in the following (and more): Climate Catastrophe Gardening, Biocultural Conservation Gardening, Heirloom Seed Saving, Fruit Tree Pruning, Apple Grafting, Everything Apples!, Cherokee Traditional Environmental Knowledge, Forest Bathing/Botany/Meditation hike, Permaculture Underground Railroad, Forage and Feast, Appalachian ethnobotany, Sassafras: An Ethnobotanical Immersion. There are many other educational opportunities offered by Mountain Gardens, Celo Community and other nearby farmers and educators, including the annual Southeast Permaculture Gathering in the first week of August.
Internship details: 25 hours of work a week (5 hours a day). The rest of the time is available for exploring the beautiful South Toe Valley (the South Toe is the cleanest river in NC). A mix of tending medicinal, annual, and perennial gardens, in addition to the orchard. Some work on developing a permaculture micro-village. The internship can be more focused on any of these specific areas of the project if you have a special interest. No stipend, but food and lodging provided. Basic staples (grains, beans) are provided along with whatever can be foraged and harvested from the gardens. Independent intern cooking space is available as well as amore communal area in the main house. We typically try to prepare and clean-up meals together communally, eating as much off-the-land as possible. For housing, there is a mix of options, including the upper floor of a nice, dry barn, a covered tent platform, and plentiful camping. Basic gardening and outdoors skill a plus, or experience working with plants in different capacities. Good work ethic, willingness to learn, and positive attitude. Also desiring someone with natural building skills to work on a Cherokee-style house.

You have the option to sleep on the upper floor of the main barn at AIMS.

Duties are varied. Pictured are tipi trellises for vining plants that Summer 2020 interns assembled using materials from the property.

We provide bulk food staples and harvests from the land. Pictured is cutting lettuce--we eat plenty of salads in the summer!

You have the option to sleep on the upper floor of the main barn at AIMS.